March 5, 2008

Basset Sinatra

Feed me to the moon,
before I start again to croon.
Crooning just so I
can eat a pizza pie.
Darling please be mine,
so you can feed me all the time.
More kibbles or I'll whine,
it's been an hour since I dined.

In other words be my pawn,
in other words please feeeeeed me.

Kibbles endlessly,
are my dream, if you love me,
you will fill my bowl
just so that I will know.

In other words gimme dinner.
In other words you're my precious.

Of course, I will whine,
until the very end of time.
Remember darling please
that it's time again to dine.

In other words TIME TO EAT!
In other words GIMME A TREAT!

1 comment:

baffle said...


Poetry In Motion!

Thanks for the cute basset laff this morn - I needed it.
