March 5, 2008

Computer Games Anyone?

You gotta download these computer games.

Follow the steps,
They'll pop onto your desktop if you want to.
Then just click and play,
until your grace time runs out.
Here are some fun ones:

Click the titles and play!

Look for Stuff!
It's like that funny game at a birthday party when we were kids. Look at a tray of a bunch of little stuff, hide the tray. Then everyone writes a list of what was on said tray.
I never won.
But this game lets you try, try, try again.
Just sign in as a new player each time you lose!

I don't know this one, but it looks cool,
and I do mean looks like,
because I usually judge a book by the cover!

Here's some fun. Good click-clack sounds, too!

Funny Furry Chuzzles
Put 3 together and they'll pop and giggle!

A favorite of mine, what can I say?

See what you think.

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