March 4, 2008


An itchy red spot on my temple doesn't go away.

So I hit it with over-the-counter
triple antibiotic ointment
for several months,
too many actually.
(don't you just love that word?
o i n t m e n t
Sounds like it feels: gooey.
Nothing like a good old
to cheer up your day!)

The thing was biopsied
and needs to be excised,
i.e. surgery.
An hour in the dermatologist's chair ought to do it.
The incision could be long, 2 1/2",
but basically it's in the hairline,
so who cares.
I'd rather get it outta there.

I make my decision over the phone.
She's so calm and kind.
A 2% chance of recurrence
and that's basically nothing.

Too much sunburn, sunburn, sunburn.
Too many fun, fun, fun days at the beach,
at Lake Tahoe.

Crispy red skin,
charbroiled for too many years.

No problem,
I'm in good hands,
no worries.
Yet I ponder.

I just want to know things.
Like how much Novocaine are they giving me!

Lots, please!


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