November 1, 2008

Bushing Bash or Bashing Bush?

The political cartoonist, Mike Luckovich, tells what he'll miss about the outgoing President, George Bush.

This is what I'll miss about

George Bush

...or not:

I'm embarrassed to say that I believed George Bush, Sr. when he promised not to raise taxes; "Read my lips! NO NEW TAXES!" I read those lips and they sure appeared confident!

And I'm sorry to admit this, and if you tell anyone I said it, I'll deny everything, but the fact is, I kinda believed Bush's 1999 rhetoric in his first presidential race, i.e. compassionate conservatism. Ya gotta admit it had a caring ring to it. I liked the idea that we, everyman Joe Plumber type guys, would save on taxes and therefore spend, spend, spend and perk up the economy while giving big time to organizations to help the needy.

I liked it!
Less government, more freedom!
Less regulation, more personal responsibility!
Less legalistic policy, more natural generosity!

Less personal responsibility, less giving. More greed, more corruption in idealism's stead.

One of the offspring, living in the big city, berated his fellow men and women.
His subway stories:
*An older woman (he says she's in her 60's! Yipes, that's cutting it close!) steps into the subway car whilst a girl sprints ahead of her to get to the empty seat first.
*Said offspring stands to read the subway map whilst a young woman sprints to take his seat below.
*Asian American men stand above offspring, staring at him and Asian girlfriend, commenting that's why Asian women are jerks, cuz they only date white guys.
*African young men make ching-chong sounds and push up eyelids at girlfriend as they walk by on the sidewalk.
*AIG, going under due to malfeasance , spends $40,000 on a short get-away for CEO's with zillion dollar salaries.
*Current George Bush won't declare Iraq nor Afghanistan wars, in order to avoid Geneva Convention rules.
*3,000 Americans died in a terrorist attack to be sure, but many more innocents have died under our non-terrorist attacks...and I don't believe the terrorists have equally tortured as many Americans as Americans have tortured terrorists so far.

Lets elect a Republican!

Not that Democrats are any kinder or smarter, it's just that this time around they are 8 years away from their own incompetence and we have awfully short memories, don't we Americans?
But that's it, that's enough crap from Republicans.

There is no desire for more incompetence and that's what I see in an old, not-so-very moral man and a young, defiant woman.

I never tell how I cast my secret ballot. I don't like the confrontational conversations with the opposition. But I will say that I'm going to reject obvious corruption and selfishness. Where there has been a complete lack of compassion and a complete lack of conservatism, we now have quite the opposite: narcissism and greed has reigned.

Can you vote for Mickey Mouse?
He's a cheerful guy.

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