July 26, 2008

Paintings of Women

Women in Art History

Contemporary art themes are open to more variety,
but earlier art history
shows the woman as most favored subject,
even while men were generally the painters.

Traditional subject matter
for painters who were women
was limited to family scenes, children and home,
as they were not allowed out unaccompanied
and were protected from outside influences.

Click on the stars below for
a short, visual timeline
of women as subjects in paintings.
Presented without analysis,
but just fascinating visual interpretation.
* * * * * * *

1 comment:

baffle said...

Loved the video!
Thanks for linking to stumbleupon.com.
Love the link!

Especially enjoyed 'Frozen Grand Central', and without a doubt there's lots more good stuff.

Uh-Oh. Danger Danger.
Even more hours for all of us to while away in front of the computer screen!