July 23, 2008

Firstborn's B'day

Annie's Annuals

The nursery is on the way to B's birthday celebration.
In our family we sometimes want a birth-week, or a birth-month.
That philosophy is helpful for getting out of chores,
and for getting more attention.
That's just fine.

Shall we flower addicts stop by Annie's?
Hope there's cool weather on Sunday
so possibly purchased plants can sit in the car

while we have dinner and open funny presents?And she'll knit. And eat. It will be yummy and we'll have fun.

Annie's looks pretty cool online:
Got variety!
A pretty little blog ;-}
(aren't smily faces old fashioned and cute!)

What more could you ask for?
I got some more seeds today.
Silly me.
My success level growing seed-to-mature plants is 5 %.

We do have a beautiful garden,
but it's more accidental than planned.
It's really plenty.
I should be satisfied and quit adding stuff.
Why does Long's do this to me?
Not to mention Orchard Supply.
"...lead us not into temptation...", I think.
"...but deliver us from evil..." .

I say my Lord's prayer,
The actual prayer that Jesus composed
when asked by his disciples how to pray.
Good prayer for any situation.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.
"You're wonderful."
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
"Make the world good.
We'll try to act like you do."

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our sins
as we forgive others who sin against us.
"Please keep us fed.
Please listen to us when we're sorry about our mistakes
the same way we'll accept apologies from others."

Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
"Keep us safe from mistakes
and help us stay away from bad stuff."

For thine is the kingdom, power and the glory,
forever and ever.
"We know you're the one behind everything
and that you deserve our appreciation.
We know that you'll always be there."
"Right on, Jesus!"

Good little prayer.
Brief and to the point.
Covers it all and is simple enough to remember.

We'll see about Annie's.
Maybe we'll find beauties;
for the hummingbirds and butterflies.

I want them to be happy and healthy when they fly by here.

I want our firstborn to be happy and healthy, too,
when we fly by on Sunday, on her birthday.

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