May 27, 2009

April and June Have a Snack

April and June decided to have a little snack. It was aftearnoon on a 1/2 workday and they were tired and hungry and had some catching up to do.

April drove to June's house without a gas cap, but that's a different story. Well, really she only drove halfway without, because she bought one on the way. June watered the mulch under the new Pergola Trellis Bench Arbor Gazebo Thingie so it would be cool when they sat on the new benches to have the snack. Because it was hot. It was pretty darn hot.

June gave April a garden tour ending up at the Arbor Trellis Gazebo Bench Pergola Thingie upon which they sat in the sun. Not the shade. The shade had shifted beyond the Gazebo Pergola Bench Arbor Trellis Thingie and was shining hot and bright on the benches.

Plans for a roll-up curtain of bamboo slats were discussed. June made the decision (yes on the bamboo) because T. had already decided how to pay for everything and it was June's turn to make a decision.

Without the bamboo the Bench Arbor Trellis Pergola Gazebo Thingie was too hot, so April and June went into the house to have chocolate which was a good idea, because the chocolate would have melted in that heat!

Luckily June knows how to keep a house cool all day. She's obsessed with heat and will even adjust windows to the 1/2 inch to steer the cool morning air into the house and then steer it out of the house when it heats up the same way. Curtains and open doors are involved, but baking butter in the oven just heats the whole place up no matter how involved June got in controlling temperature. Oh. Umbrellas help, too and sometimes well placed sprinklers.

The snack was orange.

Sometimes June serves meals of one color and this day the snack was orange and gold. Fresh shiny brioche, cantaloupe and golden wrapped chocolate were on the plate. April helped with the plating of the snack and the garni because June is not as up on the aesthetics of a thing as April is. You should see the dress/necklace pairs A. comes up with. Pretty hot.

Snack proceeded as expected (with Pepsi over ice as a beverage, but that bit of info ruins the lovely look of the snack because Pepsi is definitely the wrong color unless you counted the chocolate which had not yet been unwrapped because the chocolate was the dessert for the orange snacky meal). They ate.

Thereupon June opened up and bemoaned her fate as the underling in a tiered system not unlike chicken hierarchies. In June's little world she is the duckling, Ping, in the story about Chinese fishing ducks. June always loved that book. She loved everything about it including the illustrations. (don't you just adore that beautiful blue and yellow! And the line drawings! Awesome.)

April listened attentively to the whole story and helped June see the situation as unsolvable. Just finish up the seven days. Five hours a day for seven days is doable. Oh, and just say, "Oh." because no other reply will do. June? Saying only "Oh." and "Oh." only!?

Dear God above,
Please send June a little angel with tiny wings to whisper, "oh" to June over and over. Just for the next 7 days and she'll be fine.


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