April 5, 2008

Stork Facts

European White Stork Facts
More than you ever cared to learn!
Storks are large,
(1 meter, that's tall!)
relatively silent birds,
although wooing their mates
with a bill-clattering display will produce a
machine-gun-like rattle.
(how charming)
Nests of branches, grass, dirt, rags, and paper
(anything they can get their beaks on, I guess)
will be used repeatedly, up to hundreds of years!
(my house is only 40;
I guess it'll be needing a couple of additions)
Many nests have grown to over 2 m in diameter and nearly 3 m in depth!
Completion of the structure is often signaled by the addition of
one leafy branch
to the edge of the nest.
(how cute, like a garnish)
European Storks have been building their nests on man-made structures such as roofs, towers, chimneys, telephone-poles, and haystacks since the Middle Ages, as well as using natural spots; cliff edges, trees and sometimes even the ground.
(lazy storks)
Both male and female incubate the 3-5 eggs for 34 days.
After 8 weeks of gentle care, the young ones fledge.
(off they go...)
Storks mature in 4 years, ultimately living nearly 30 years!
(some of them, anyway, according to some ornithological leg banding research)
If you spot a bunch of silly looking big 'ole sticks on top of my chimney, let me know. I'll make sure not to start any fires.
(At least for a few hundred years!)

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