June 26, 2012

I'm lazy in summer, out of school and loving it. My brain may be losing cells due to the day long daydreaming, but  my body is getting a workout. Every morning after my stretches (done in the bed, softer than the floor) I tiptoe out to see what's going on in the garden...you know, snails waiting to be stomped, baby weeds needing raked out of the soil and dry areas watered. 

Each day, I promise myself not to garden in my pajamas, without gloves and a hat and with bare feet!!  But no. My pajamas are muddy, my fingernails are ragged and dirty, my hands are scratched up and my feet are filthy. Sometimes I end up back out there in the afternoon needing another shower!

I'm planting tons of sunflowers; the seeds are cheap if you buy a big bag of sunflower bird seed! I envision tall droopy heads feeding bees and birds in late summer.

I'm looking at the big picture for the big doings in September. This needs to be chopped down, that needs to be dug out and a fence needs to be built! (quit nagging you guys!)

A delightful part of this easy going summer is having my sweetie around...due to work being slow. Worrisome, but wonderful nonetheless! Now his work is picking up, thanks be to God, but I am already missing his quiet presence. Having a grandbaby dropping in is the best of all. 

Go slow July now that we're almost done with June. Nice and easy, even sleepy. I'll sit around and read after I exhaust myself in the garden; I'll listen to the game in the evening and I promise I'll mop and clean the kitchen. I'll make sure I do some reading!

Now I guess I'll throw some laundry in. Maybe I'll check the bathrooms, too.

It's great to throw all schedules to the wind!

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