July 27, 2009

My Daughter LOVEs Pink!

Yes, it's true ,
The pinker the better.

Especially little pink socks.

Today is her birthday.
My first, my blondest,
wearing the pinkest sleepy suits.

She and her dad and I launched ourselves into a family.
All learning to be a family for our first time.
It was pretty new to us.
We had to grow up together.
But grow up we did!
Quite an adventure.

So in honor of her special day,
I present the pinkest things I can find!


A tiny sweater

A suitcase

a comic strip
It's Her Birthday, too, YEAH!
She's gonna have a good time!


1 comment:

baffle said...

happy birthday to your first and your blondest.
from the mom of 'lavender lauren'.
i was tempted to write a children's book by the same name - had a story and everything - just no illustrator -wish i had known you at the time!