November 8, 2008

A Huge Task

President-elect Barak Obama's acceptance speech was rich with intelligence and compassion. Senator John McCain, probably smarting from a despicable campaign, proved to be a gentleman at the last, expressing heartfelt hope and encouraging support for the new president.

Thank heavens for a young president.
I believe it's time to pass the torch to a new generation.

The transition to the new administration is an issue taken seriously by both camps.

Campaign Cyberattacks Prompt Swift Transition
"Before the al-Qaida attacks, FBI transition briefings included detailed discussions on specific crime fighting and techniques. Now the briefings include a discussion of terrorist threat trip wires, attack prevention and how to fight spies — not just at home, but on the Internet.

That's one reason there seems to have been some unprecedented cooperation so far during the post-election transition."..." The cooperation, security clearances and early terrorism briefings are all about trying to avoid any security lapses between administrations."...

..."Teams from the Obama camp are expected to start parachuting into various agencies next week."...."The idea is for these teams to work with people who are already doing these jobs so they can make the handoff to the new administration as seamless as possible."

Obama now faces myriad crises that grip our country. Like runaway trains they can be slowed. This takes time, patience and great strength, but the train must be stopped. Finally the engine can be backed up, switched to the correct track and headed to the right destination.

The world, with its pain, its complexity cries for solution. My hope, though somewhat tenuous, stands tall, hope for goodness to prevail.


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