August 6, 2008

Painting the Siblings

Why paint my children?

I don't know, it's simply a subject I crave.
It's about me, not them.
Something in me is left over from the time of the photo.
I don't always know what.
Often it is different from what I expect.

The canvas sits on the easel and it's time to go.
I love the first stage of a painting:
the drawing.
Washing in the turpentine-y undercoat goes easily.
And I'm feeling inspired!

Now to work...

got to get some details going.
I chug along. Content and sure.

This stage of the game is iffy!
Sometimes it's almost there when something slips away and I have to back up.
This is tiring...but I continue.

Some parts are getting close to the finish so don't mess with 'em!
But I do.

Some areas are neglected and need fixing.
I gotta remember to keep moving around the painting.

Frustration seeps in. Regrets. Doubt.
I'm dragging. I want to give it up.

Steadily, not seeing what I want, I make changes, regret changes, accept changes, what else can I do?

At this point I've slapped on so much thick paint, it smears, feels out of control at times, but other times so soothing. Physical satisfaction lie in the brush strokes.

I don't know what I'm doing, what did I plan anyway?!
What has this thing become?

Let the voices shut up.
Just get to work again.
Quit thinking.
Just simply get back to it.

Maybe I'll take a day or two off.
Intense concentration has me exhausted and confused.
I'll recover.

What's new for me?
Discipline and certainty of the completion.


Anonymous said...

You and that horse paintin' guy!
I love your process!!
I am inspired beyond words!!!!
Slap and mould that paint on, girl!
I can see YOU in your painting!
What more can one ask for except to put oneself in one's work?!?
I mean it!!!

House Dreams said...

You, along w. my brother, husband and son are m best critics...along w. Alicia.
Your comments are appreciated.
The painting is now in the garage.
It can settle into it's current stage while I can hang out with all the visitors to the art room!