July 18, 2008

Just One Question

Why does it take hours and hours to find some well fitting, appropriate clothing in which to teach when the school year begins in August?

(AUGUST! But that's a whole different grouchy story, don't get me started. Hmmpff.)

I'm not needing a tricky-to-find specialty item. Not, for instance, a 70's formal prom-like bridesmaids dress (bride's matron?) which must match the bride's antique amber earrings with extinct spiders caught inside the gooey sap many millenia ago. (The spiders were caught in the sap, not the earrings.)

I just need a couple pairs of pants and some socks, maybe a nice top. Well fitting shoes would be a miracle.

I did Lamaze breathing in Mervyn's.
Seemed like many hours of calming breaths,

in and out, slowly, like a wave.

I got 8 new bed pillows instead, 4 feather, 4 alternative down...I know, I know, ridiculous, but I was overwrought and exhausted, gimme a break.

I can always take the pillows back, can't I?
When I recover from the shopping trip, I mean.
At least I can take 6 of them back...
...I need the 2.
At least.

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