May 10, 2009

teasing about textnologytwitcellbooking


Dear friends,
I've drawn a line in the sand.
I hereby announce that henceforth, I will not be facebooking! Not ever! Neither will I tweet on Twitter nor pace on Myspace either! Texting costs too much except for the occasional note of excitement, say the Inauguration.
I know I'm repeating myself, but If you need me for any reason, there are many ways to find me: please fax, email, call or send me a letter. You can also drop by or lean over the fence and you even are allowed to check my blog and/or send a comment. I do believe that the fact that I can blog AND text proves my technological literacy, not to mention setting the settings for my cellphone, learning new apps, programs and software must stop somewhere and this is the spot; the line drawn in the sand.
Jesus drew in the sand when the hypocrites argued furiously, urging stoning (a death sentence) against a woman caught in adultery...he had some thinking to do to answer the cruel, legalistic officials! He suggested that those without sin could throw the first stone...
...oops, got sidetracked.
Back to the jist of the story. You do know I love you all very much and look forward to your communications, but if you're going to tweet or squeak or space or scype, I will not get the info.
Just so you know.
love, me
p.s. Some of my friends and family let me know what's on your

various facebook website, but the news is intermittent at best.

1 comment:

baffle said...

no worries.
i will always lean over the proverbial (if not actual) fence and give you a shout-out.
xo, b