February 22, 2008

DO YOU LOVE Helpful Hints?

Here are a few helpful hints.
I love helpful hints.
My favorite part of the paper, besides the funnies,
was always Heloise's Helpful Hints.
Here are a few cool hints.
(This is from a mass email going around...
delete this blog if you've been spammed.)

2. Easy Deviled Eggs
Put cooked egg yolks in a zip lock bag. Seal, mash till they are all
broken up. Add remainder of ingredients, reseal, keep mashing it up
mixing thoroughly, cut the tip of the baggy, squeeze mixture into egg.
Just throw bag away when done easy clean up.

5. Newspaper keeps weeds away
Start putting in your plants. Place wet newspapers in overlapping layers around the plants, then cover with mulch and forget about weeds. Weeds will get through some gardening plastic they will not get through wet newspapers.

7. Dryer fabric softener sheets
Look at the dryer filter, it may look clean, but run hot water over it. If it's clogged by a film of wax from fabric softener sheets, the water will sit on top of the mesh. This can burn out the heating unit. Scrub with soap and hot water.

Do you think all this is true?
I'll go check "SNOPES"
an Urban Legends Website:

and get back to you.

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